Nirav Khambhati

Nirav Khambhati | Partner

  • Blended finance in Asia & Africa; 
  • Chairman, Global Schools Forum;
  • Steering Committee Member, USAID’s
  • Education Finance Network (EFN);
  • ex-Managing Partner, Kaizenvest; 
  • ex-CEO, Tata ClassEdge

Scalable and sustainable impact

Being surrounded by amazing talent

The universe has a plan

Taking on seemingly unsurmountable challenges

Table Tennis, Travel. Fitness, and Cooking

Aparna Dua| Director

  • Designed India’s first Social Impact Bond;
  • Author of key research reports on blended finance in India;
  • Advisor, Center for Innovative Finance at ISDM;
    Ex-Asha Impact,
  • BCG Social Impact and investment banking at Credit Suisse

I've always been passionate about creating social change. I'm excited at the opportunity BF presents to scale impact.

The fresh thinking and the can-do attitude.

Be bold! Take more risks.

Entrepreneurs who fight the hard fight

I love spending time outdoors/ in nature whether its trekking, going for long walks or outdoor sports. Love playtime with my son and dog.

Aparna Dua
Surabhi Mohan

Surabhi Mohan | Associate

  • Impact investment in the US with Tideline;
  • Private equity in Southeast Asia and India at the ADB and NIIF;
  • ex-Goldman Sachs;
  • MPA from Columbia University and MSc in Economics from Singapore Management University

I discovered a passion for impact investing at policy school triggered by a class on financial inclusion. And as I dwelled deeper into the subject I saw the innovative use of capital that blended finance enables. This approach could be particularly impactful in a market like India where things must happen at scale.

More than one! Building an organization from scratch, hearing the need for an organization like ours from all stakeholders and of course, listening to and learning from inspiring entrepreneurs!

Just carry on, you'll be fine!

Nature and its resilience

I am a total jungle kid! I love being out in nature and exploring national parks and occasionally spotting wild animals through safaris or hikes. I love birding and get extra thrilled discovering 'lifers'. I am also a certified scuba diver so dive whenever life offers me a chance!

David Proddok| Associate

  • End-to-end innovative financing structure experience;
    Design and performance management for one of the largest education DIBs in the world;
  • Bachelors and Masters in Technology from IIT Kharagpur

I've always wanted to create positive social impact in the world. There are many ways to do that but in a world where money drives almost everything (for better or for worse), Blended Finance is a great tool to enable meaningful on-ground change by helping direct more money towards impactful initiatives

The work and the people. The work because I believe in the power of blended finance to drive change. The people because everyone comes from stellar, diverse backgrounds and are highly driven and want to be here

Trust the process

Tackling big, hairy problems especially those with real world implications. Fortunately (or unfortunately?) there is no shortage of such problems for us to try and solve

I love traveling especially to places that are not overly touristy and exploring different cultures. I'm also exploring improv comedy - it's amazing what you can collectively create on the spot even if you don't really know the other person(s)

Ridhi Lodha

Ridhi Lodha| Associate

  • Built valuation plans for early-stage investments in the UK;
  • Facilitated strategic value decision - making of leading infrastructure funds;
  • Focused on energy transition in Europe;
  • Chartered Accountant from ICAI

Its a dynamic industry and challenges me to explore the opportunities that lie beyond the conventional. I am excited by the idea to use finance creatively to deepen the impact while also generating returns.

Definitely the team, so much enthusiasm and positivity to always strive for more!

Keep putting in the effort and trust the process

The possibility that there is so much to see in the world and so much to learn everyday keeps me going

I like to travel, to explore local culture and food. I also have a budding interest in yoga.